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Library of " JurlnfoR" 

Series: Fundamental Basics of Information 

V. E. Wolfengagen 

Applicative computing. Its quarks, atoms and 
molecules. Edited by Dr. L.Yu. Ismailova. — Moscow: 
"Center JurlnfoR", 20 1 0. — 64 p. 

This work covers the advanced topics in main ideas of computing in general. 
This material is approved in practice of NRNU MEPhI, MIPT and several 
other educational centers of the Russian Federation. 

Its 1st part represents an outlook of computations, which is achieved by 
adoption of the atomic doctrine for specified reference system of primary 
objects. The main attention is given to finding-out of technological features of 
computations with objects. Their interaction is considered in applicative 
environment that allows finding out internal structure of usual operations 
which knowledge allows understanding their properties. The choice of initial 
constant entities, considered as primary and referred as combinators is 
discussed. These initial entities are used as the basic "building blocks", 
entering in applicative environment in interaction with each other. This 
interaction results in the constructs, giving representative sets of usual 
operators and to the embedded computing systems. 

The 2nd part gives some supply of environments for educational and 
methodical complex of corresponding discipline (EMCD). 

This material is suitable both for advanced learners and beginners in 
Computing and Information Technologies as well as in Discrete Mathematics 
(DM) and Fundamental Basics of Information Technologies (FBIT). It helps 
for developing the intuition sufficient for successful navigation across the 
dramatically changing world of innovative information processes which 
occurs both in nature and technology. 

Material is especially useful for the instructor, postgraduate and graduate 
students of IT-specialties and is suitable for the system of training and 
advancing the qualification of specialists. 

V. E. Wolfengagen 

Applicative computing 





V.E. Wolfengagen 

Doctor of Technical Science, professor, 
ACM Senior Member 

ViacheslavWolfengagen received his Candidate of Technical Science 
degree in 1977 and the Doctor of Technical Science degree in 1990 
from Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. He is a full professor of 
theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics at the 
Cybernetics Department of NRNU MEPhI and at the Faculty of 
Innovations and High Technologies of MIPT. Since 1994 he has been 
with the Institute for Contemporary Education "JurlnfoR-MGU" in 
Moscow where he is currently a head of the Department of Advanced 
Computer Studies and Information Technologies. 

He chaired the 1999-2009 International Workshops in Computer 
Science and Information Technologies (CSIT). He is author of the 
books Logic: Techniques of Reasoning (2001, Center "JurlnfoR"), 
Constructions in Programming Languages: Methods of Description 
(2001, Center "JurlnfoR"), Categorical Abstract Machine: 
Introduction to Computations (2002, Center "JurlnfoR"), and 
Combinatory Logic in Programming: Computations with Objects 
through Examples and Exercises (2003, MEPhI - Center "JurlnfoR"). 

His research interests include data models, database design, software 
development databases, object and object-oriented programming and 
design, computation theory, programming languages, applicative 
computational systems. He was a manager of research and 
development projects Logical Applicative Modeling Base of DAta 
LAMBDA (version 3, project 93-01-00943 granted by RFBR), 
Categorical Object-Oriented Abstract Machine COOAM (project 96- 
01-01923 granted by RFBR), Metadata Objects for Proxy-Based 
Computational Environment (project 99-01-01229 granted by RFBR). 

The group of companies 













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V. E. Wolfengagen 

Applicative computing 

Its quarks, atoms 
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B721 Series: Fundamental Basics of Information 


V. E. Wolfengagen 

Applicative computing. Its quarks, atoms and molecules. 

Edited by Dr. L. Yu. Ismailova. — Moscow: "Center JurlnfoR", 2010. — 
62 p. 

This work covers the advanced topics in main ideas of computing in 
general. This material is approved in practice of NRNU MEPhI, MIPT and 
several other educational centers of the Russian Federation. 

Its 1st part represents an outlook of computations, which is achieved 
by adoption of the atomic doctrine for specified reference system of primary 
objects. The main attention is given to finding-out of technological features 
of computations with objects. Their interaction is considered in applicative 
environment that allows finding out internal structure of usual operations 
which knowledge allows understanding their properties. The choice of initial 
constant entities, considered as primary and referred as combinators is 
discussed. These initial entities are used as the basic "building blocks", 
entering in applicative environment in interaction with each other. This 
interaction results in the constructs, giving representative sets of usual 
operators and to the embedded computing systems. 

The 2nd part gives some supply of environments for educational and 
methodical complex of corresponding discipline (EMCD). 

This material is suitable both for advanced learners and beginners in 
Computing and Information Technologies as well as in Discrete Mathematics 
(DM) and Fundamental Basics of Information Technologies (FBIT). It helps 
for developing the intuition sufficient for successful navigation across the 
dramatically changing world of innovative information processes which occurs 
both in nature and technology. 

Material is especially useful for the instructor, postgraduate and graduate 
students of IT-specialties and is suitable for the system of training and 
advancing the qualification of specialists. 

NRNU MEPhI • "Center JurlnfoR" Ltd. • MIPT 


Part 1 
Quarks, atoms, molecules of computing 

Abstract. Computing and its development sets up a range of 
questions on the most part of which answers either are incomplete, 
or unknown. Some of them: what is a 'computation'? What is an 
'information'? What is possible to learn, using computing? What 
cannot be learned, using computing? - have fundamental value. 
In the present work the main attention is paid to finding-out of 
technological features of computations with objects. Their interaction 
is considered in applicative environment that allows to find out 
internal structure of usual operations knowing which allows to 
understand their properties. The choice of initial constant entities, 
considered as primary and referred as combinators is discussed. 
These initial entities are used as the basic "building blocks", entering 
in applicative environment in interaction with each other. This 
interaction results in the constructs, giving representative sets of 
usual operators and of the embedded computing systems. 
About the author. Prof. Wolfengagen V. E. (, 
the head of ACS & IT dept. at "JurlnfoR". He is working in an 
area of computing science and information technologies, including 
applicative computational systems, A-calculus, combinatory logic, 
type systems. RFBR's projects 93-01-00943-a (LAMBDA), 96-01- 
01923-a (COO AM), 05-01-00736-a. 


Computing and its development puts a lot of questions, on 
the most part of which answers either are incomplete, or 
unknown. Some of them: what is a 'computation'? what is 
an 'information'? what is possible to learn, using computing? 
what cannot be learned, using computing? - have fundamental 

These questions accompanied computing, since 1940th. 
It seemed, there are answers on them, but today the same J 

questions are also indicated by all and everywhere, in all areas 
of a science, engineering, business and even policy. 

Long time there was a tradition according to which 
computing was considered as a science about the phenomena 
accompanying computers, and this sight did not raise the 
doubts. Computing always was and remains a science about 
information processes. Starting approximately with 1995, 
experts from different areas of a science, one behind another, 
began to declare, that they, in their area, find out natural 
information processes. These openings have introduced other 
tradition according to which computing began to be considered 
as a science about both natural and artificial simultaneously into 

By old tradition computing was most naturally described 
by ideas from basic technologies - programming, graphics, 
networks and supercomputing. The present tradition urgently 
demands to express computing in terms of fundamental 
principles or even to deduce computing from some fundamental 
principles. If one deduced computing from principles not only 
its deep structures will be opened, but also their applicability 
in other areas of a science will be cleared up as well. 
Thus the general aspects of distinct technologies also are 
opened, creating opportunities for innovations. At the same 
time essentially new ways of stimulation in many respects lost 
interest to computing among youth are opened. 

In 1940th the computations were considered simply as a 
tool for decision of the equations, decodings of codes, the 
analysis of data and management of business processes. But 
in 1980th computing have developed up to such degree that 
have turned to a new scientific method, connecting traditional 
understanding of a theory with experiment. And in 1990th 
a shift in understanding of a role and a place of computing 
followed, as many researchers in different scientific areas have 


come to conclusion, that they have collided with information 
processes in natural science deep structures. For example, 
these are quantum effects in physics, DNA in biology, thought 
processes in cognitology, streams of information in economy. 
Computations were included into lives together with new ways 
of a decision of the problems, new forms of art, music, cinema, 
and also together with new forms of the commerce, new 
approaches to training and even new slang on which began to 

The fundamental questions designated right at the beginning 
of applying computing became important and in a variety 
of those areas in which people in the work essentially lean 
on computation and computing methods. Actually, studying 
of aspects of computing, bringing the greatest advantage in 
traditional sciences, most of all helps an establishment of 
fundamental bases and principles of the computing. 

Metaphorical speech turns of daily speech have replenished 
with phrases like: "I am programmed on such behavior" or 
"my brains failed and need to reboot". Active germination 
of computing in all the spheres of a daily life has led even 
to that from students of the Washington university began 
to demand "fluent possession of information technologies", 
that assumes their good knowledge and skill to apply in 
various situations. There was a need and requirements to 
"computational thinking". This assumes usage of principles of 
computing both in a science, and in a life. Computations have 
got everywhere, and also began to be found out everywhere. 

At an establishment of principles and explanations of the 
event, proceeding from them, there is one more advantage in 
comparison with technologies: it is easier to learn the principles, 
than the technologies. The description of a field of activity 
in the language of technologies well worked earlier when 
the amount of known base technologies was not so big. For 5 

example, the Association of Computing Machinery in 1989 
totaled 9 base technologies, and in 2001 their amount became 
already 36, forming 630 direct interrelations that became 
problematic for direct studying on former educational patterns. 
For today while it is necessary to ascertain, that computing 
have not became to be expressed in terms of fundamental 
principles, it still remains prescriptional and technological. In 
other sciences there was other situation, in them the circle of 
the phenomena is established, proceeding from the established 
base principles. It testifies to a known maturity of such sciences, 
but not computing which only just reaches a status in its growth, 
being in which it is possible to speak about its principles. 

1 Invariants of computing 

The establishment of principles of computing represents an 
uneasy process at all. When they in computing were accepted 
to business and it began to be developed intensively then 
its essence seemed by itself understood, but its forms were 
produced. The boom which has arisen in 1970th of the models 
of computations does not stop on present time. In the beginning 
of this boom nothing constrained the developers, and opening 
opportunities promised boundless prospects. 

Nevertheless from time to time arose and there is a question 
as computing is arranged, but from it more often simply waved 
away. Similar interest looks purely academic, and according to 
occurring opinion, information and computing technologies are 
a destiny of greater companies and powerful collectives. But 
the general picture of computing only will win, if it will be 
possible in it to find out those invariants, which are kept from 
change of forms. 

Invariants play a role of global constants, and from the 
computing point of view - primitive 'building blocks', using 


with which it is possible to design this or that 'world' of 
computing. As on each of available forms of computing 
its developers precisely and rigidly declare the rights, both 
developers and users zealously defend the world designed by 
them. They concern to this world, as by environment of the 
information dwelling, stopping attempts of intrusion into it from 
the outside and if it was possible to establish unity of forms it 
would promote improvement of mutual understanding in the 
diversity of information community. 

It was known that similar invariants exist. The question 
is put differently, as how to use them to take advantage. 
Really, it is necessary to recollect about combinators, rather 
recently opened in the world of metamathematics, as it supports 
confidence of an available unity of forms. From the intuitive 
point of view an environment of computations contains all or 
nearly so everything, that concerns to construction of a result: 
there are variables and their actual values in it, and they are 
carried not only positionally, but also contextually 

Everything that is done in computing, can be dropped 
down to some fundamental principle which many admit, and 
which is not rejected by overwhelming majority: consider the 
identifier and relative to environment associate for it some 
construct which will be considered as its value. Computation 
considers this process of constructing, and computing develops 
technologies of implementation of the construction. So, 
the correspondence between the identifier and its value is 
parameterized by environment. The number of all identifier- 
value possible combinations is so great and impressive, that 
it is not feasible to construct the hypothetical table, using 
which all the possible instances concerning the identifiers and 
their values are listed. Certainly, for realization of similar 
strategy of computation one should get a huge database which 
would be in a status of permanent upgrade and updating. At a 7 

modern level of understanding it is considered technologically 
unacceptable. From the positions of a theory of databases 
and relational model this relation is considered as explicit 
transfer of all possible combinations of individuals in which 
they can appear, remaining within the limits of this relation. 
From a mathematical point of view the point under discussion 
is a mapping for which are in advance known the range 
of definition - its domain, - and the range of value - its 
range. They are not only great in volume, but also are subject 
to changes, and development of a theory of mappings with 
variable domains-ranges is in embryo status. D.Scott in (D. S. 
Scott, [17]) has suggested to consider constructions of variable 
domains, but in the field of computer sciences it was not 
widely supported, as burst a little bit later the boom of 
computing prompted other promising prospects at once in many 
directions, and for reception of fruits it was not necessary to 
bring a burdensome payment of development the complex and 
interdisciplinary theory, which efficiency should be defended in 

In combinatory logic argued differently, believing, that it is 
necessary to borrow in designing actual mappings, not caring 
about existence of their ranges of definition and ranges of 
value and due to efforts of M. Schonfinkel (M. I. Schonfinkel, 
[15]) and H.Curry (H. B. Curry, [6]) such a theory has been 
developed. More radical intention consisted of finding the 
minimal set of mathematical entities, using with which it would 
be possible to design all building of modern mathematical 
knowledge as other forms of knowledge were not considered 
but believed having no right on that with them seriously were 
considered. It is important, that opened by them combinators 
underlay any mathematical and metamathematical reasoning. 
Later, in a process of developing the information technologies, 
their fundamental value for computing has been known. 


In traditional computing a central concept, without which 
as usually it is considered, it is impossible to operate, is 
the representation of a variable. The variable plays a role of 
'numbers in general', that helps to build the general statements 
and to analyze their properties. At once it has been realized, 
that variables should be considered more widely, including 
the 'entities in general', some indeterminants, not reducing 
their sphere of action only to pure arithmetics. Combinators 
are perceived as 'constants in general', assuming, that the 
structure of knowledge, by its organizing, is granulated by 
constants. At the same time it is not unexpected, that they either 
in mathematics, or in computing have no reliable definitions 
neither of a variable, nor a constant. Such situation undermines 
trust to the fundamental trues saved up in these areas which 
formal expression with necessity is grounded both on constants 
and on variables. 

A special attitude to variables as to constructs which 
in any way are impossible to be avoided, has generated 
the modern reality of information technologies expressed in 
programming languages. Predilection for variables generates 
difficulties of basic nature when the question of application 
of computing arises. Fitting the knowledge within a form is 
carried out in books, for which the way of expression and 
organizing is considered so well-known, that, actually, is not 
exposed to studying. An exception is the project Automath 
by de Bruijn (N. G. de Bruijn, [8]). Having started in 1967, it 
pursued the aim to develop the environment for expressing the 
mathematical theories in a form suitable for computer check of 
their correctness. A hypothesis, that if a statement is expressed 
correctly then it is correct in fact, was laid down in its basis. 
Any other norms of correctness were not introduced. There is 
no need to forget, that 'correct' means simply 'based on rules' 
and it remains to understand just a question, what a rule is, y 

but this is the most debatable question not only in modern 
metamathematics, but also in computing. 

It is considered, that a language by its structure forms 
logic, that immediately leads to necessity to clarify its 
fundamental difficulties which though are known, but are not 
considered quite perceived. Presumably neither logics, nor 
the mathematical grounds were not used in Automath. In 
this project all the mathematical material formed the books, 
written in a language, and the language was based on lambda- 
calculus with types, in terms - in the rules, - of which 
representations about 'definition', 'theorem', 'proof, 'axiom' 
were expressed. The book represents a construction consisting 
of nested blocks, and opening of the block corresponds to 
introduction of a typed variable. Variables present mathematical 
objects or mathematical proofs, and the system of their mutual 
correspondences is developing quite similarly. In other words, 
an idea of proof-as-object was incorporated in this project from 
the very beginning. 

The only interpretation of this block structure is on a 
share of logic metameans. Is it a lot of or not - sets 
up an open question. Is it enough to introduce in the 
expressed in such a way text the fundamental difficulties 
burdening metamathematics? However, by a form of its 
expression the project represents an innovative way to consider 
relation of logic with mathematics, at least, from positions of 
possibilities of modern computing. Processing the books which 
are expressing the mathematical knowledge in a language of 
Automath, becomes attractively easy and natural for dominating 
general mathematical practice. It gives some didactic and 
educational opportunities: the teaching of mathematics so that 
students could study it, receives a sound ground in the available 
and developing information technologies. Moreover, teaching 
from a category of art passes into a category of technology 

1 U 

when it is enough "to explain" the machine - in a language 
of the project, - the constructive organization of the text 
by its form, but not by its meaning. Thus any preliminary 
logic or mathematical "implied sense" is not brought in, and 
the validation of correctness of the text is assigned to the 
environment of computing. On a plan, this approach does 
not cover the automation neither of a mathematical invention 
process, nor of search of the proof process for the theorems 
having been formulated: Automath plays a role of the attentive 
reader of the material which is correctly represented by its form. 
As it has appeared, it was required to develop the virtual 
reader in computing which will correctly carry out a process 
of reading the virtual book which is correctly applied by 
the appropriate form. It is caused by extreme complication 
of mathematicalized knowledge when its mastering or 
estimation of correctness exceed usual human abilities. But 
not possibilities, as, taking to the aid computing and its 
environment, knowledge turns in from actual to possible one. In 
the newest information technologies it has renewed heightened 
interest to semantic networks (T. Berners-Lee et al, [3]). 

2 New paradigms of computing 

The sense of a term 'computing', maintained nowadays though 
with changes, but corresponds to that understanding which 
has been accepted 60 years ago at establishing of the ACM 
(Association for Computing Machinery). The shifts which have 
outlined at the newest time in its understanding appear rather 
essential, having three general characteristics: computing is 
not necessarily carried out only on the basis of technology 
of silicon integrated schemes; the basic computing elements 
are implemented physically, becoming not simply a theory; 
transition to the new thresholds of miniaturization often making 1 1 

from 1 up to 100 nanometers is carried out. Under these 
conditions the customary representations about computing start 
to be reconsidered, but this does not mean at all refusal of 
available representations or technologies. 

Some of new forms of realization of computing have 
the expressed addressing and are intended for the decision 
of quite certain problems, for example, having the raised 
computing complexity or concerning particular applications. 
Though practical and daily application of a majority of them 
is only ahead, expecting occurrence of suitable devices, their 
modeling originality carries away its natural fundamentality, 
innovation and potential. The opportunity to create a basis 
for new forms of processing of the information opens in the 
latter case and, being based on them to develop families of 
applications. Discussion of their technological opportunities 
occurs usually outside of sphere of the periodic literature on 
computer sciences, and research is moved to area of such 
natural sciences, as physics or chemistry. It is caused by a status 
of works which for the present time are at a level of study of 
basic ideas - or in the most initial technological phases, or at 
a level of experiments. In a process of technological ripening 
similar forms of computing get in a sight of computer sciences, 
starting to be used in practice. Realization of new forms of 
computing encounters difficulties of development of hardware, 
demanding development of new architectures. On the other 
hand, difficulties are caused also by attempts to equip new 
forms of computing by the suitable software as it is required to 
develop new schemes of the organization of computations and 
new algorithms. The situation is similar to that which was at 
transition from consecutive algorithms to algorithms for parallel 
computing systems. Some known decisions can be transferred 
on a new area, and others - cannot. 

1 2 

The known new forms can be subdivided into two greater 
groups. In the first of them are put the decisions based on 
nanotechnologies . They are the organization of schemes of 
computations on nanofibres, coal nanotubes, organic molecules, 
bio-DNA and quantum effects. In the second are put the special 
forms of computing including optical, micro/nano liquid and 
chaotic computations. 

3 Revision of computing foundations 

The consumers in a customary computing have promoted in 
understanding of sets and have learned to maintain the models 
of computations based on the notion of a variable for which 
it is known, what domain it will range - typed models of 
computations, or models of computations with types. In other 
words, an idea of type has received a wide circulation and a 
universal recognition, and all available programming systems 
have to more or less extent worked out management systems of 
types of variables/objects. 

The models based on classes remain less worked out as 
they conduct to construction of domains which elements are 
other domains in turn etc., and for such structures the volume 
of computations needed to evaluate true or false of statements 
sharply increases. 

The models of computations, in which indication of 
type of variables was not supposed - the untyped models 
of computations, remain completely neither worked out nor 
comprehended in practice. The leading position among them 
is borrowed with A-calculus and combinatory logic. Though 
A-calculus also is recognized in practice of programming 
technologies, but not so fast, as it deserves that, the combinatory 
logic is applied obviously insufficiently. Combinators - the core 
primary elements of combinatory logic, - were introduced in 13 

hope to get rid of arithmetic style of working with numerical 
data, characteristic for overwhelming majority both of former 
and existing programming systems, and instead of it to pass 
to other style of reasonings in terms of objects and their 
applications to each other. In use of the first style the 
calculation is carried out - from a words 'to compute numerical 
value', - and in use of the second one - computing in the 
true and self sense of this term. Besides that combinators deal 
with/ree variables which are understood as indeterminants and 
have no deal with bound variables at all. As a matter of fact, 
computing with combinators is carried out in terms of constants. 
It is even better to say: 'constant objects', and they are constants 
not in absolute sense, but in a relative sense when objects 
reveal the property of a constancy relatively the environments 
in which computing is carried out. It remains to formulate 
suitable definition of a constant - to give the characteristics to 
constancy property, - and also to be determined with a model of 
environment. This just appears uneasy business as influences all 
the elements of computing architecture without any exception. 
Now we approach to an important point - necessity to 
formulate the representation of a constant, which would appear 
fruitful for computing in general. Certainly, it would be 
desirable to leave this representation both intuitively transparent 
and coordinated with an available natural- science representation 
of a constant. 

4 Notion of a constant 

Do we know a lot of or a little concerning what a "constant" is? 
To the essence, everything connected with representation about 
a constant has appeared subcontracted to the mathematics. And 
both representation about a constant, and representation about 
a variable are considered as self evident in it. At the best it 

1 4 

admits, that the constant is - unlike a variable, that does not 
vary, and the variable, in particular, can be a constant. These 
representations remained firm or seem those till a time. So 
would be now, if not computing. 

It has appeared, that the best that was offered is a general 
agreement on a constant which other side was a variable. 

At a discussion, discourse is usually conducted about values 
behind which numbers are there and then seen. Numbers and 
their processing - calculations, - worked for our advantage 
for a long time perfectly and trouble-free. Even in computers 
while their productivity has not grown so, that the technology 
has approached to the physical threshold of miniaturization 
allowing precisely fix and distinguish zeroes (0) and ones (1). 
And now there comes some critical point in understanding, 
what the computing is. 

Whether is there a theory of constants? The answer to 
this question is known, even more: it appears, that there 
is no language on which it would be possible to speak 
about constants mathematically precisely. Attempts to speak 
about them in absolute sense look restricted and insufficiently 
grounded. In a relative sense it is possible to achieve greater: 
why not to name a constant the 'object' which does not depend 
on certain 'context'? Or, even better, it does not depend on 
'environment' which is considered as some context for a while. 
We shall look, whether is there an adequate language for exact 
expression of this idea. 

For a test we shall take A-expression 

(Ax. object) (environment) = object, 

which, obviously, expresses the thesis of constancy: (Ax. object) 
can be considered as a unary constant function. But transition 
to A-language has demanded introduction in a consideration the 15 

representation about a 'variable' which also appears bound by 
the abstraction! In this moment all power of usual mathematics 
is received, but simultaneously all the known costs of operating 
by variables is inherited. 

Let's take expression of combinatory logic 

K (object) (environment) = object, 

to which should operate under the scheme of axioms K : 
Kab = a. To say in a language of combinatory logic, that 
the object is a constant one, that represents a constant relatively 
to environment, means, to apply the combinator K to it. Then 
- relatively to the given environment, and this is, possibly, the 
other object, - the 'object' is simply quoted, that now quite us 

How precisely is to tell in mathematics, that the object 
varies? For this purpose we shall write down 

^(object) (environment) = object', 

where V is some combinator which acts on the object 
interesting to us - old object, - relatively the given context 
and results in a new object - object'. 

And again, it is necessary to bring in a traditional 
mathematics to record this idea in the A-language. We write 

F (Ax. object) (environment) (object- 1) = 

V (object) (environment) x:=0 bject-i, 

that is, the old environment has appeared to be replaced by 
a new one (environment) ;E:=0 bject-i, differing from the old one 
unless that, instead of a variable x, substitution of the object 
'object- 1' is executed. There was generated an expression with 

1 6 

a variable which has to be served by a newly introduced rule of 
substitution with all the known consequences. 

Thus, applicative on its plan A-language appears burdened 
by all known technical difficulties of processing both free and 
bound variables. In a language of combinatory logic such a 
burden is not still present. 

5 Functions 

The usual idea, concerning functions, consists of that they 
are a special case of a law of correspondence putting in 
predetermined relation to the elements of one domain the 
elements from other domain. So first of all it is necessary to be 
determined with a domain A which is considered as represented 
by a constant object, that is its structure obviously does not 
include free variables. For domain A and combinator B we 
shall demand 

A = Ao A = BAA = 1 A . 

For mapping / : A — > B where / is an object which does not 
contain free variables, we shall demand 

f = BofoA = Bo (BfA) = BB(BfA). 

Thus, mappings / are determined as the triples (A, f, B). 

6 Interaction of an object and environment 

6.1 Environment 

A thesis, that interaction of objects needs the intermediary - 
environment, is perceived as obvious one. At least, currently 
it does not attract doubts. More rigorously, to initialize an 17 

interaction of objects, the structure is needed where they are 

Opposite case - when some "wandering" objects "meet" 
other wandering objects, - is interesting, but this discussion 
will be postponed for a while. The area of programming gives 
a case when objects, by some way or otherwise, are already 
packed by in the environment. Thus a central concept under 
development is namely the environment which is understood 
as an environment for computations. Environment is equipped 
with the programming system, but not wise versa. 

Other circumstance is that an object interacts not with all 
environment at once, but with its partition - that which will 
appear "in an area of action" of the object. 

Prestructure. An applicative prestructure is used for packing 
objects. Two aspects of an object - its redex (reducible 
expression) and the contract, - reveal in it. In other words, the 
prestructure gives a representation of computation both in terms 
of a reduction - transition from redex to the contract, - and in 
terms of expansion - transition from the contract to redex. 

The principle of interaction gives some non-symmetry: there 
is an object-initiator of action and there is an object- recipient 
of action. Influence of one object on another is stepwise: it 
is carried out, if and only if objects are located immediately 
beside. The arrangement happens of two kinds: beside and 
not beside (distant), and in the second case the objects do 
not interact. In case of an arrangement beside, the objects 
immediately enter in interaction. The new object, as a result 
of interaction, arises and begins its existence - result of acting, 
or applying of the first object to the second. Now, if there will 
be an object located beside thus newly born object, the new act 
of interaction begins where are two distinct cases. 

1 o 

In the first of them newly generated object captures the 
existing one, which has appeared beside and acts on it. 

In the second case newly generated object is captured by 
the existing one which affects this object. 

In any of these cases the new object arises and begins 
its existence and this object is considered as a result of such 
non- symmetrical interaction of two objects-parents. It settles in 
prestructure on the equal rights with other objects. In particular, 
this means the following: as soon as the new object-result 
is generated, it is possible to speak about the new act of 

Thus, the inhabitants of prestructure participate in 
interaction which evolves by a principle of a dominoe. The 
following circumstance is important: either there are initial 
atomic objects, or there are derived non-atomic objects, each 
having exactly two ancestors-parents. A question still open 
where are the initial objects from, but this discussion will be 
postponed for a while. 

6.2 Interaction 

The object can be reveled in interaction with other objects if it 
participates in application. In this case it can show arity, equal 
to (constant object) or distinct of zero. For simplicity we shall 
consider a case when the object shows arity, equal to 1 (unary 

As interaction is carried out through the intermediary - 
environment, - then some metaoperators will be required. For a 
while, we shall be limited by two metaoperators: A - currying 
and || • || • - evaluation map. For any object M we shall check 
up, whether it can show arity 1 in the environment i. To obtain 
this we write down 

||M||id , 19 

which represents a value of object M in the environment i. If 
value of object M shows arity 1 then there is a construction of 
value of object in the environment 

A\\M'\\id , 

where M' is the same as object M everywhere, except for a 
variable to which we should assign the value d : instead of this 
variable, the number of de Bruijn is written as a prototype 
of a pointer to d in environment i'. Environment i' is the 
same as environment i everywhere, except for an image of this 
substitutional variable, which is now assigned d : 

\\M'\\[i,d ]. 

Actually, it was necessary to create a compound metaoperator 

A\\ ■ || ■ : object x environment — > value, 

which is an object generating, setting up the function of arity 2. 

A\\M'\\id = \\M'\\ Mo]- 
For example, if M is an identity transformation I with the 
characteristic Id = d then it is sufficient to assume, that M' 
is a substitutional variable which is assigned the value d in 
environment i: 

||/||*rfo = -^|| 1| i do 
= Pll [hM 

= Snd[i, d ] = d , 

as was expected. Here vl||0||z is an image of object I, obtained 
as a result of its interaction with environment. This should 


be simply a pointer Snd to d , located in the modified 

Other example. If M is a cancellator K with the 
characteristic Kdid = di then it is sufficient to assume, that 
M' is a substitutional variable which is assigned the value d 1 in 
environment i: 

\\K\\idido = A(A\\l\\)id 1 d 
= A\\l\\ [i, di] do 


= ||I|| [[i, di],d ] 


= (Snd o Fst)i" 
= Sndi' = di, 

as corresponds to the characteristics. 

And one more example. If M is the allocator S with the 
characteristic Sd 2 did = d 2 do(dido), then 

\\S\lid2dido = yl(yl(i4||20(10)||))id 2 dido 
= yl(yl||20(10)||)[i,d2]dido 

= ^||20(10)|| [[i,d 2 f,di] d 
= ||20(IO)||[[[z,d 2 ],d 1 ],d ] 

V v ' 


= ||2||i /// (||0||i /// )(||l||« /// (||0||« ,,/ )) 

= Snd o Fst o Fst i'"(Snd i'")(Snd o 

o Fst z'"(Snd i'")) 
= S , ndoFst« // d (S'nd« // do) 
= 5nd i'do(dido) = d2do(dido) , 

as was expected. 21 

7 The principles of computing 

Setting up the principles of computing, it is necessary to accept 
the assumptions, and as it appears, some of the fundamental 
premises, probably, by virtue of their seeming simplicity and 
deceptive self-evidence, escape attention of the researchers. 

One of them and, possibly, core premise, is in acceptance 
of applicative structure as an environment of embodiment of 
computing. It means, that some entities/objects are acting, 
or applying to others. For example, the object-function is 
applied to object-argument, and the result of this application 
is considered as a value of the given function of the given 
argument. All of this looks quite obvious, but is almost 
never formulated explicitly, resulting in various displacement 
of accents. 

Another - and again all known, - assumption can be 
dropped down to a simple formulation of operating with 
identifiers: given that is considered as an identifier, and 
for this relatively the environment is constructing that will 
be considered as a value. This process of constructing is 
considered as a computation (in a sense of evaluation), 
and computing develops technologies for realization these 
constructions. Thus, the relation between the identifier and its 
value is parameterized by an environment. 

In the environment not all the objects are isolated, an 
interaction of the objects is the most interesting, but it 
proves through application. This is a structural metaoperation 
which operates an interaction of objects and it would be 
undesirable, that during performance of computation of value 
of the identifier its own properties have been changed. 
Hence applying will be considered as invariant relatively 
evaluation, and this property needs obvious characterization by 


acceptance of the general principle of evaluating the application 
(V. E.Wolfengagen, [22]). 

Principle of evaluating the application. The base premise is 
as follows: 

evaluation of application is the application of evaluations. 

The formulation above needs augmentation because of 
evaluation can be executed both under fixed and unfixed 
environment. In the first case when the environment i is 
assumed as fixed suppose: 

\\MN\\i= (||M||i)(||iV||i) 

for arbitrary objects M, N. Then by purely formal reasons, 
following from the general properties of computations, 

(||M||z)(||iV||z) = (Xr.r\\M\\ \\N\\)Si 
= CIS(Xr.r\\M\\ \\N\\) 
= 5[||M||,||iV||]i 

for S = Xxyz.xz(yz), C = Xxyz.xzy, I = Xx.x, S = CIS 
and ordered pair [x, y] = Xr.rxy. Hence, the following rule 

(rule 1) \\MN\\ = <S[||M||, ||iV||] 

can be formulated, which is derivable in A?]^ -calculus. 

Principle of evaluating the ordered pair. The main premise 
is formulated as the equality 

evaluation of ordered pair is the ordered pair of evaluations. 23 

Formally this equation is rewritten as 

||[M,iV]||z = [\\M\\i, \\N\\i] 

for any terms M, N and assignment i. By the postulates (77), 
(£) and (r) of A-calculus, the following rule is derivable from 
the main principle: 

(rule 2) ||[M,iV]|| =< ||M||,||iV|| >, 

where < /, g >= Xt.[ft,gt] for arbitrary /, g. Both the 
principles above and derived rules make it feasible to obtain and 
ground the standard semantic features of computational models. 
As the most important for the means of conceptualization we 
indicate two corollaries which correspond the evaluation of A- 
expressions and applications as is written below. 

Evaluation of A-expression. Assume the application (X.M)d, 
where M, J are any terms, and (A.M) denote the abstraction of 
(some) variable. Then the following consequence of equalities 
is valid: 

||(A.M)d||i= (||(A.M)||z)(||d||z) (by principle 1) 

= (\\\.M\\i)d (assuming (||d||i) = d) 

= A 1 1 M 1 1 id (by definition of A) 

= \\M\\ [i, d] (by Ah = Xxy.h[x, y\). 

Hence, the rule: 

(rule 3) \\(X.M)d\\i=\\M\\[i,d]. 

is valid as well. In the following we will accept that this rule 
determines a generating function: evaluation of M "generates" 
the replacements by d matching M. 


Second way of evaluating the application. In evaluation of 
application the definition of applicator e: 

\\MN\\i = (||M ||i)(||iV||i) (by principle 1) 

= e[||M ||i, \\N\\i] (by definition of e) 

= (eo < ||M||, ||AT|| >)i (by definition of < ■, • >) 

is used. This sequence of equalities leads to the rule 

(rule 4) \\MN\\= eo <\\M\\,\\N\\> . 

At last, we indicate the case of evaluation of individual 

||c||i = c, 
which (in A^-calculus) results in the rule 

(rule 5) ||c|| = Xi.c. 

This means that individual constants are independent on the 
particular assignment, i.e. they are statical. 

List of rules. For reference, a complete list of the derived rules 
is given below: 

(rule 1) 

\\MN\\ =S[||M||,||iV||] 

(rule 2) 

||[M,iV]|| = < ||M||,||iV|| > 

(rule 3) 

||(A.Af)d||i= ||M|| [i,d] 

(rule 4) 

\\MN\\ =eo < ||M||,||7V|| > 

(rule 5) 

c = Xi.c. 25 

8 Interaction of objects 

8.1 Unfixed number of argument places 

First of all it would be desirable do not link the interaction 
of objects to traditional mathematical representations. At least, 
not to do this at once and without any visible necessity. 
The mathematical intuition prompts, that if something acts on 
another it is necessary to consider the first as a function, and 
the second - as an argument. Under these conditions the result 
of interaction is considered as value which, in turn, is an object. 
But if there is a function, it is characterized by its arity - by 
number of its arguments or, more precisely, argument places. In 
the usual mathematics the number of arguments of a function 
is known in advance, but in case of acting of one object 
on others it is not known in advance, on how many objects 
it can act. If the object is considered as a function, then 
its number of argument places appears in advance unfixed, 
and the object reveals its arity in interactions. Whether such 
mathematical functions are known? As it appears they are only 
the combinators. 

8.2 Object and its sphere of action 

Let there is some set of objects arranged in a structure. We 
shall start from the point that not any object will cooperate 
with everyone. If we speak, that the object a acts on object b, 
we have in mind that a is applied to object b. 

From Fig. 1 it is clear that in the sphere of action of object 
X there are both the objects a, and b, but a does not act on b. 
In a mathematical notation it is written down below: 

X.. ab.. = (..(((X..)a)b)..). 

From Fig. 2 it is clear that in a sphere of action of object X 




Fig. 1. Object X affects the objects a and b, where a does not 
affect b. 

Fig. 2. Object X acts on the object (ab), where a acts on b. 

there is an object a, which acts on b, so that X acts on a result 
of action of object a on object b. Notationally this is written 
down as follows: 

X..(ab).. = U(X..)(ab))..). 

Parentheses in which objects a and b are concluded, are 
essential, and they cannot be omitted. 

9 System of primary objects 

Possibly, it is necessary to make some assumptions. They will 
concern presence of some set of primary objects - in fact, it is 
necessary to have in stock actual, actually existing objects. At 
the same time we shall make an attempt to conduct discussion 
of relations between objects, whenever possible, without those 
assumptions, in particular, concerning the existence of objects 
which can be avoided. 

First, an ability to generate any object b is required. Let 
it will be always accompanied by occurrence and application 27 

of a constant object K. Other version of this reason can look 
differently: it would be desirable to formulate the statement, 
that some object a does not depend on environments b. It means 
also, that purely by syntax the object K incurs function of 
quoting a in an environment or in a context b. Application of 
K also means encapsulation of object a within environment b. 
Each of these explanatory systems can be used depending on a 
context in which studying of objects is conducted. 

On the other hand, there is also a symmetric opportunity of 
elimination, or the termination of existence - cancelation out, - 
any object b. The termination of existence of object b is caused 
by the termination of existence of a constant object K, directly 
acting on some object a, and the object a remains and continues 
its existence. 

From Fig. 3 it is possible to understand behaviour of object- 

Fig. 3. Characteristic of object K: a = Kab. 

cancellator K. On expansion of any object a the object K is 
generated, starting its existence, and object a appears directly in 
a sphere of its action. In additon the object b is generated which 
gets in a sphere of action of a result of interaction of object 
K with object a. Upon reduction the cancellator K eliminates 
object b which ends its existence, but this instance of K also 
does not exist any more. 


At the same time it can be demanded to eliminate clones of 
object, leaving only its single instance. Certainly, the symmetric 
operation of distribution of actions on various instantiations of 
any object c, carrying out their cloning is expected as well. 
We shall try to carry this out as follows: on elimination of 
a clone of object c the constant object S, of a special kind, 
will be generated, and on cloning c - to the contrary, one of 
instantiations of object S will be enforced to end its existence. 

All of this means, that various instances of object will 
be indiscernible in applicative environment. This idea of 
indiscernibility of a clone of object is presented at the scheme 
of computation which determines a behaviour of the allocator 
S: ac(bc) = Sabc. Apparently from Fig. 4, that object S - 

Fig. 4. Characteristic of object S: ac(bc) = Sabc. 

in applicative environment, - is applied to objects a, b and 
c, capturing them. This means also that the arity of initial 
primary object-comb inator S equals 3. Its action directly does 
not extend on the other objects in the environment. But all the 
construction of Sabc is reduced to ac(bc), the object c is cloned, 
and computation is distributed: one instance of c directly occurs 
in the sphere of applying of a, and its second instance - in the 
sphere of b. Computation is distributed, but the result obtained 
from interaction b with c, occurs in a sphere of action of the 
result obtained from interaction a with c. The most essential, 29 

that at generation of a new object S: ac(bc) = Sabc the clone 
of object c stops its existence, and object S starts its existence, 
becoming an inhabitant of applicative environment. This is an 
essence of S-expansion. On the other hand, at acting of object 
S on kept by it in the environment objects a, b and c, occurs the 
cloning of c, this clone begins its existence in the environment, 
but at the same time S stops its existence. This characterizes 

10 System of derived objects 

Now the way of "detecting" the objects with predefined 
characteristics in applicative environment is, in general, clear. 

Process of detection of a new object appears rather 
constructive: it is necessary to show a construction built from 
already found out, old objects. Thus, new objects appear 
derivatives while gradually explicate a representation about the 
initial objects, all or part of which appears the primary ones. 

Let's consider, by example, the synthesis of a new object 
with predefined characteristic. Let in Fig. 5 the characteristics 
of such an object is as follows: this is the combinator- 
permutator C, carrying out rearrangement by places of objects 
b and c. 

Fig. 5. Synthesis of object C with predefined combinatory 
characteristic: Cabc = acb. 


A synthesis of C is carrying out as follows. Starting with 
object acb, which by its structure is a result of applying to b the 
result of applying a to c. 

First, we shall execute cloning of c. For this purpose we 
shall make K-expansion on the basis of object b, generating the 
second instance of object c, which is possible to see in Fig. 6. 
Second, execute 5-expansion on the basis of object ac(Kbc) in 

C^\\ exp 
ZLS J red 

Fig. 6. K-expansion and generation the second instance of 
object c: acb = ac(Kbc). 

accordance with Fig. 7. During its execution the second instance 

Fig. 7. 5-expansion and elimination of the second instance of 
object c with permutation of object Kb: ac(Kbc) = Sa(Kb)c. 

of object c is eliminated, but the allocator S is generated. 
Third, execute S-expansion according Fig. 8. 

http :// 


x i exp 
©a (K)bc^z=± 

Fig. 8. 5-expansion and elimination of a composition of objects 

Sa and K: Sa(Kb)c = B(Sa)Kbc. 

Fourth, execute 5-expansion, which eliminates the compo- 
sition of objects B and S. The same time execute the cloning 
of object a, using /-^-expansion based on object K. The new 
instances of objects K and a are generated, starting up the 
existence in an environment. This transformation is done in 
accordance with Fig. 9. 

S>Kb[c] ^=± 

Fig. 9. i?-expansion and elimination of composition of objects 
B and S, carried out together with K-expansion based on 
K with generation the clone of object a: B(Sa)Kbc = 

And, at last, fifth, execute S'-expansion, which eliminates 
the distribution of computations BBSa and KKa together with 
clone of object a. The second instance of object a cancels out 


the existence, but the object S - starts up the existence in 
environment. This is represented in Fig. 10. Now the desired 


a[b][c]^=±(s) ®Bs((K)Ka[b][c; 

Fig. 10. 5-expansion and elimination of a clone of the object a: 

BBSa(KKa)bc = S{BBS)(KK)abc. 

order of objects a, b and c is achieved in environment, i.e. 
objects cub have changed their places. 

In this process the combinator B with the characteristic 
Babe = a(bc) is used. It seems clear that it can be synthesized 
as well, using the only combinators K and S. In Fig. 11a 


Fig. 11. Characteristics of the combinator B. 

characteristic of combinator B is shown. 

We will show that combinator B can be obtained by 
combining K and S. First of all let's fix the object a(bc). 
The idea is to get the object c free of immediate action from 
the object b. Mathematically this means the need to omit 

http :// 


parentheses. To get this, the distribution of computations will 
be synthesized, generating an additional instance of object c, 
that is reached by occurrence of an instance of combinator K. 
Write down symbolically: 

a(bc) = Kac(bc). 

Further, we eliminate one of instances of object c, that needs 
the occurrence of an instance of combinator S, but, in passing, 
remained instance of c is get out of dependence on b: 

Kac(bc) = S(Ka)bc. 

Similarly we shall get out now object a of dependence on object 
K. It is necessary to do this in two steps. First we shall generate 
the second instance of a, having distributed computation and 
having generated an instance of combinator K: 

S(Ka)bc = KSa(Ka)bc. 

In Fig. 12 all the derivation chain is shown as 

a(bc) < Kac(bc) < S(Ka)bc < KSa(Ka)bc. 

Now one of two instances of object a will be eliminated, for 
which it is necessary to generate the object S: 

KSa(Ka)bc = S(KS)Kabc. 

The target object is synthesized, it remains to assume only that 

S(KS)Kabc = Babe. 

In Fig. 13 a continuation of derivation is shown, starting with 


KSa(Ka)bc < S(KS)K abc = Babe. 
= B 


Fig. 12. Derivation of combinator B: a(bc) < Kac(bc) < 
S(Ka)bc < KSa(Ka)bc. 

c)SaCK)abc< > i (?) (2)SKa b c = ( ((Y§)abc 

Fig. 13. Derivation of combinator 5: KSa(Ka)bc < 
S(KS)Kabc = Babe. 

http :// 


Thus, the full chain of a derivation looks like 

a(bc) < Kac(bc) < S(Ka)bc < KSa(Ka)bc < S(KS)Kabc 



By the same way it is possible to synthesize identity combinator 
J with the characteristic la = a, that is shown in Fig. 14. This 

exp _ 

Fig. 14. Characteristic of combinator I: la = a. 

is a special combinator, under its action any object a does not 
vary, and speaking more exactly, remains self-identical, passing 
in itself. 

A derivation for combinator I is shown in Fig. 15. We start 

GXD / /*~ ~N ""~~ ~~"X GXt) 

(a) < ? ((K)a(K)a< ? f i f (s)KK a = f (I) a 
w red \ ^>^y W / red '' v ^^ 

Fig. 15. Derivation of combinator I: a = Ka(Ka) = SKKa 

fixing the object a. We generate object (Ka), but this arises an 
instance of object K as well, which starts its own existence. 


Now it has appeared, that two instances of object a are available 
which structural arrangement allows to eliminate one of them. 
But thus the object S, which begins the existence, is generated. 
Now it has appeared, that the object SKK by its characteristic 
does not differ from the object I, demanded by the synthesis. 
So the purpose is reached, and mathematically it can be written 
down by means of I = SKK. 

Primary and obtained during the formation of objects, and 
some of the derived combinators are represented in Table 1. 

11 Derivation of combinators 

Given such an atomic-and-molecular constructor, it is possible 
to synthesize the objects with predefined computational 
properties - the combinatory characteristics. 

In the Fig. 16 in a scheme for combinator S the object b 

Fig. 16. A particular construction of combinator S for b = I. 

is replaced by the combinator I. This initiates a reduction in 
the direction from Sale to ac(Ic). The last object contains the 
redex Ic, which is replaced by the contract c, so that all the 
reduction works as follows: 

Sale \> ac(Ic) > ace. 37 

Table 1. Primary and derived combinators. 

Combinatory characteristics 

Interaction of objects 

Kab = a 

Sabc = ac(bc) 

la = a 

Wab = abb 

Cabc = acb 

Babe = a{bc) 

9 abed = a(bc)(bd) 

$abcd = a(bd)(cd) 

exp \ 


< J 


©c ®c 

/^\ exp 


(w>h < ; (a)bb 

' red v 


(VVh -z » (C)abc 

' red 


But inside the object Sale it is necessary to make 
transformations: this concerns a position of combinator I. 
Transformation will be executed by expansion: 

Sale < CSI ac = Wac, 
= W 

but both the chains of synthesizing the object can be merged: 

Wac = CSIac > Sale > ac(Ic) > ace. 

A process of synthesis the object W is represented in 
Fig. 17. Now the newly synthesized combinator W, which, as 

Fig. 17. Synthesis of construction of combinator W with a 
characteristic Wac = ace. 

appeared, behaves exactly like CSI, can be added to available 
combinators. In Fig. 18 a characteristic of combinator W is 

http :// 


exp /7^C\ X 
' red Vv^Sv 

Fig. 18. Characteristic of combinator W. 

12 Reduction and expansion of objects 

Once again turn back to features of obtaining the combinatory 
representation of object-permutator C. There are in Fig. 19 the 


K)b c 




y red 

Fig. 19. Synthesis of supplementary objects: b = Kbc, K = 
KKa, B(Sa) = BBSa. 

supplementary objects, which are obtained during a synthesis 
of target object C with predefined combinatory characteristic 

Cabc = acb. 

Everything what is required is to change places of the second 
and third objects in acb. However, it is necessary to remember 


that rearrangement should be made in applicative environment. 
First of arising ideas consists in trying to find transformation 
of acb, having executed which it is possible then to apply 
transformation under the scheme S. 

Such an attempt is reflected in Fig. 6 and led to a need of 
generation the additional instance of an object c - its clone, 
but not a copy. In other words, distinct instances of object in 
applicative environment will be indiscernible. Such an idea of 
indiscernibility of clone of object is present in the scheme of 
computation, defining behaviour of the distributor S: ac(bc) = 
Sabc. Apparently from Fig. 4, the object S - in applicative 
environment, - is applied to objects a, b h c, keeping them. 

13 Synthesis of an object with the given 
combinatory characteristic 

Let's return to consideration Fig. 5. 

It is required to clone object c, and then to eliminate it, 
having taken advantage of ^-expansion. 

First, we shall execute cloning of c. For this purpose we 
shall make K-expansion on the basis of object b, generating the 
second copy of object c, what is possible to see in Fig. 6. 

Second, we shall execute S'-expansion according to Fig. 7. 

Third, we shall execute S-expansion according to Fig. 8. 

Fourth, we shall execute S-expansion which eliminates a 
composition of objects B and S. At the same time we shall 
execute cloning of object a, using K-expansion on the basis 
of object K. New instances of objects K and a are generated, 
beginning the existence in the environment. This transformation 
is carried out according to Fig. 9. 41 

And, at last, fifth, let's execute 5-expansion which 
eliminates distribution of computations BBSa and KKa 
together with a clone of object a. The second copy of object 
a cancels out its existence, and object S - begins the existence 
in the environment. It is reflected in Fig. 10. 

Now the desirable order of arranging the objects a, b and c 
in the environment is reached, that is the objects c and b have 
changed the places. The derived object, which is carrying out 
such a rearrangement, we shall refer as combinator-permutator 
and we shall denote it by C. From Fig. 10 it follows, that 
C = S(BBS)(KK). As it has appeared, C exists, and its 
characteristic is presented in Fig. 5. 

14 Infinite constructions 

Objects can lead to infinite constructions, and their interaction 
has chained. Fig. 20 depicts a combinatory characteristic - the 

Fig. 20. Synthesis for an object a the fixed point: Ya = 

a(Ya) = a(a(Ya)) 

characteristic equality that needs to be added to a structure of 
combinators to give a right to existence for combinator Y: 

Ya = a(Ya), 


and this is a paradoxal combinator of H. B. Curry 2 . Combinator 
Y makes more vivid rather uniform structure of objects and 
combinators, giving rise to opportunity of organizing non-trivial 
cyclic computations. 

15 The plurality of the worlds of combinators 

Attempts to answer the question, what - actually, - are the 
constants often look boring enough, tiresome and burdened by 
a set of more or less essential details. For the sake of justice 
we shall note, that more often, from the resulted details their 
most part appears not significant or, at least, not spilling greater 
light. Possibly, in an area of computing, it will be possible to 
receive missing details, and to look under other corner of sight 
at the old ones. At least, the idea of constancy appears relative, 
i.e. it is useful for considering not in a general universality, and 
remaining within the limits of this or that system of computing. 
We shall try to understand by an example, where it can appear 

The set of objects together with their structuring 
combinators looks rather homogeneous, even together with 
opportunities for generation of cyclic constructions using the 
combinator Y. It seems, that in similar structure there is no 
place to any systems of objects with interesting and practically 
significant behaviour. But this is not so. 

Let's try to establish, whether will there be among objects 
such an object V which is characterized by the distribution 
relatively an application as follows: 

V(ab)p = Vap(Vbp). 

2 As known the object Y has a combinatory representation: Y = WS(BWB). 43 

Thus, all that is obtained is the structure of objects which is 
enriched by this equality, and its action is illustrated in Fig. 21. 

Fig. 21. Characteristic equality for object V: V(ab)p = 

The kind of the left part of this equality suggests, that there 
is a composition of the objects-maps V and a which is applied 
to object-argument b, and the result of this application, in turn, 
is applied to object p, playing a role of environment: 

V(ab)p = ((V o a)(b))(p) = (V o a)bp = BVabp. 

This mathematical idea is reflected in Fig. 22. 


@vab P ^=^ :' (v)©b P 


Fig. 22. Canonical representation of the left side of the 
characteristic equality of object V: V(ab)p = BVabp. 


Let's borrow now in the right part of the equality describing 
behaviour of object V, and we shall try to receive its initial 
representation. Fortunately, the most part of combinational 
work on distribution of computations among objects incur 
combinators W and <P, and corresponding reduction looks 
laconically enough: 

Vap(Vbp) = I(Vap)(Vbp) = <PI(Va)(Vb)p = &(<PI)Vabp 

Corresponding transformations are depicted in Fig. 23. 

Fig. 23. Canonical representation of the right side of the 
characteristic equality of object V: Vap(Vbp) = &(<PI)Vabp. 

For the purposes of the further ordering we shall merge the 
executed transformations: 

BVabp = V(ab)p = Vap(Vbp) = &(<PI)Vabp 

The frame part of a chain of the derivation is presented in 
Fig. 24. 

What follows from the transformations above? It is possible 
to receive several consequences. 

First of all, it is easy to be convinced, that for V = K the 
resulted construction works, so the object V does exist. 

http :// 


At the same time it is possible to write down mathematically 
laconic sentence fixing the basically obtained result: 

3V.Va,b,p.BVabp = V(<PI)Vabp. 

®Vabp±=;( (V)0 N bp±=i:(y)ap (v)b p 
red V y i red 

Fig. 24. Resulting characteristic equality for object V: BVabp 
= V(ab)p = Vap(Vbp) = V(<PI)Vabp. 

This means that there is an object V such that for any objects 
a, b, p the equality 

B = V(&I), 

is satisfied and characterizes the object V. Note that the object 
p can be taken as an environment in the sense which is included 
in this term in a theory of programming languages (see. [20]; 
[22], Ch. 12). The stated reasons lead to a construction resulted 
in Fig. 25. 


Fig. 25. Combinatory characteristic generating the object V: 

BV.Va, b, p.BVabp = V(<PI)Vabp. 


Undoubtedly, the discussion of computing at the Conference 
«Applicative computing systems» - ACS-2008, that was held in 
April-May, 2008 at the Institute «JurInfoR-MGU», has served 
as effective stimulus for some arranging the stated reasons. 


Naturally, all of this is a fixing of some key ideas, but 
development of plurality of the worlds of combinators 
seems worthy and justifying efforts to preparation of a 
preliminary textual material. The part from them has appeared 
included in the Proceedings of ACS-2008, see URL http: 
//jurinf or .exponenta. ru/ACS2008. Other part is 
supposed to a consecutive statement. 


1. Barendregt H., Wiedijk F. The Challenge of Computer Mathematics. - 
Transactions of the Royal Society, Vol. 363, JVal835, 2005. - pp. 2351-2375. 
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2. Bell G., Dourish P. Yesterday's tomorrows: notes on ubiquitous computing's 
dominant vision. - Personal Ubiquitous Comput., Vol. 11, N°2, 2007. - pp. 133— 

DOI 9-00 6-0 071-x. 

3. Berners-Lee T., Hall W., Hendler J., O'Hara K., Shadbolt N., and Weitzner D. A 
framework for Web science. - Foundations and Trends in Web Science, Vol. 1, 
Issue 1,2006. -pp. 1-130. 

http : //www. nowpublishers . com/web/ 

4. Cardelli L., Davies R. Service combinators for Web computing. - HP Labs 
Technical Reports SRC-RR-148, June 1, 1997. - 15 p. 

http: //www.hpl .hp. com/techreports /Compaq- DEC/ 

5. Carpenter B. The Internet Engineering Task Force: Overview, Activities, 
Priorities. - ISOC BoT, 2006-02-10, 2006. 

http: //www. isoc . or g/ i so c /general/ trustees /docs/ 

6. Curry H.B. Functionality in combinatory logic. - Proc. National Academy of 
Sciences of the USA, Vol. 20, 1934. - pp. 584-590. 

7. de Bruijn N.G. Lambda-calculus notations with nameless dummies: a tool for 
automatic formula manipulation. - Indag. Math. 1972, Ns34, pp. 381-392. 

8. de Bruijn N. G. A survey of the project Automath. - In: To H.B. Curry: Essays 
in combinatory logic, lambda calculus and formalism, Academic Press, 1980. - 
pp. 579-606. 

9. Denning P.J. Computing is a natural science. - Commun. ACM, Vol. 50, N°7, 
2007. -pp. 13-18. 

DOI http://dol.acm. org/10. 11 45/127251 6. 127252 9 

10. Hindley J. R., Lercher B., Seldin J. P. Introduction to Combinatory Logic. - 
London: Cambridge University Press, 1972. 

11. Kennedy A. Functional Pearls: Pickler Combinators. - Journal of Functional 
Programming, special issue on Functional Pearls, Vol. 14, N26, Cambridge 
University Press, Nov 2004. - pp. 727-739, 

12. MacLennan B.J. Molecular Combinator Reference Manual. - UPIM Report 2, 
Technical Report UT-CS-02-489, Department of Computer Science, University 
of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2002. - 16 p. 

http: //www. cs .utk. edu/~mclennan/UPIM/CombRef .pdf 

13. MacLennan B. J. Combinatory Logic for Autonomous Molecular Computation. - 
Preprint of paper invited for Information Sciences, 2003. 

14. MacLennan B. J. Molecular Combinatory Computing for Nanostructure 
Synthesis and Control. - IEEE Nano 2003, San Francisco, August 12-14, 2003. 
http: //www. cs .utk. edu/~mclennan/UPIM/ 
MacLennan-MCCNSC .pdf 

15. Schonfinkel M.I. Uber die Bausteine der mathematischen Logik. Math. Annalen 
92, 1924. -pp. 305-316. 


16. Scott D. S. The lattice of flow diagrams. - Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 188, 
Symposium on Semantics of Algorithmic Languages. - Berlin, Heidelberg, New 
York: Springer-Verlag, 1971, pp. 311-372. 

17. Scott D. S. Relating theories of the lambda calculus. - Hindley J., Seldin J. (eds.) 
To H.B.Curry: Essays on combinatory logic, lambda calculus and formalism. - 
N.Y.& L.: Academic Press, 1980, pp. 403-450. 

18. Seldin J. P. The Logic of Curry and Church. - In: (Dov Gabbay and John 
Woods, eds.) Handbook of the History of Logic, Vol. 5, Elsevier, 2006. 
http : //people . uleth . ca/~ j onathan . seldin/CCL .pdf 

19. Selinger P. and Valiron B. A lambda calculus for quantum computation with 
classical control. - Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 16(3), 2006. - 
pp. 527-552. 

20. BojitijieHrareH B.3. KoHcmpyKuuu n3biKoe npozpaMMupoeauua. HpueMbi onu- 
canuR. - M.: AO «UeHrp K)pHH<])oP», 2001. - 276 c. 

H3flaHne noflijepacaHO rpaHTOM POOH, npoeKT 01-01-14068-fl. 

21. BojitrheHrareH B.3. KoAtSuHamopnaM nozuKa e npozpaMMupoeanuu. Bbmucjie- 
nun c o6yeKmaMU e npuMepax u 3adauax. - M.: MHOH, 1994. - 204 c; 2-e 
H3fl., M.: AO «HeHTp ±OpHH(J>oP», 2003. - 336 c. 

22. BojitijieHrareH B.3. Memodbi u cpedcmea ebmucjienuu c o6yeKmaMU. AnnnuKa- 
mueubie ebmucjiumejibubie cucmeMbi. - M.: JurlnfoR Ltd., AO «HeHTp K3pHH- 
4>oP», 2004. - xvi+789 c. 

H3flaHne noflijepacaHO rpaHTOM POOH, npoeKT 03-01-14055-fl. 

23. HcMamioBa JLJO. JIozuKa o6-beKmoe. - B kh. [22], c. 613-630. 

24. Kochkob OB. JIozuKa qbyHKUuoHajibnocmu. - B kh. [22], c. 595-612. 

25. Kochkob OB. MnqbopMaifuoHnbie cucmeMbi: Kamezopubiu nodxod. - Hop, pefl. 
JI.K). HcMaHJioBofi. - M.: «K)pHH(i>oP-npecc®», 2005. - 96 c. 

26. IUayMaH OK. AnnjiuKamuenan zpajujwamuKa KaK ceManmuHecKaa meopua 
ecmecmeenubix M3biKoe. - M.: HayKa, 1974. - 204 c. 49 


a relativity 


- values, 3 

- computations, 2 



- identifier-value, 3 

- constant, 6 

combinator, 3 

- contract, 8 


- derivative, 8 

- environment, 3 

- existing, 8 

- model, 2 

- generated, 8 

— untyped, 5 

- generation, 12 

- result, 3 

- initial, 8 

computing, 1 

- interaction, 7 

- germination, 2 

- redex, 8 

- invariant, 2 

- principle, 2 

prestructure, 8 

- revision of foundations, 5 


- sense of the term, 4 

- as-object, 4 



- property, 6 

- of constancy, 6 


- definition, 3 


- representation, 6 

- definition, 3 

- domain, 3 


- value, 3 

- range, 3 

rule, 4 

- variable, 3 



- information, 2 

- computations, 3 


- interdisciplinary, 3 



- value, 3 

- computational, 2 



- possible, 4 

- relativity, 3 

- valid, 4 


- definition, 3 


- representation, 3 

- combinatory, 3 

- typed, 4 

Part 2 

Educational and methodical complex 

of corresponding discipline 

and ready-made solutions 

Multimedia courses 

The system of multimedia courses is intended to cover 
the most complicated and important directions of modern 
computing, computer science and information technologies. 

♦ ♦ ♦ 

Combinatory logic 

Course content. This course was delivered in NRNU MEPhI 
and MIPT including 13 two hours lectures and reflects the 
modern representations of fundamental basics of computing. 
The main attention is paid to development the learners' 
intuition which is sufficient to understand the granularity 
of computations, its organizing using the block structure of 
objects, the ability to construe the embedded computational 
systems. In many cases the accent is given on development 
the suitable embedded computational systems. 

The course is equipped with the detailed textbooks with 
a large amount of examples and tasks with the analysis 
of solutions. An organization of books corresponds to the 
multimedia course and allows to study the material in a variant 
of «for the first reading» and does not demand the learner's 5 1 

preliminary background. In addition, as a result of studying 
the course, a student acquires the knowledge of the primary 
problems of computing which are at the frontier of modern 
computer science. 

♦ ♦ ♦ 

Wolfengagen V. E. Applicative Computa- 
tional Technologies. Ready-made Solutions for 
Engineer, Lecturer, Post-graduate and Graduate 
Student. Edited by L. Yu. Ismailova. — Moscow: 
«JurInfoR», 2009. — 64 p. (in Russian) 

Summary. This work reflects the problems 
of computing using the advanced and contemporary 
mathematical means. Material is subdivided in two parts and 
is approved in practice of teaching at NRNU «MEPhI», MIPT 
and several other educational institutions of the country. The 
1st part represents the outlook of computations, which is 
achieved by the adoption of the atomistic doctrine for the 
selected reference system of primary objects. This part is 
intended for the advanced learners of discrete mathematics 
(DM) and fundamental basics of information technologies 
(FBIT), it is suitable for developing the intuition, which helps 
to the successful navigation across the world with apparent 
abundance and variety of the newly developed and ready-made 
IT-solutions. The 2nd part gives the educational and methodical 
complex of corresponding discipline (EMCD), equipped with 
base textbooks, complemented by a series of monographs and 
by media and environments for studying the computations with 
the objects. 

Material is intended for the instructor, the graduate student 
and the student of IT-specialties and is the ready-made solution 


for the universities and the system of training and advancing 
the qualification of specialists. 

♦ ♦ ♦ 

.......... Wolfengagen V. E. The Functional Prog- 

»yHKj;SSJ™{ioro ramming Paradigm. Edited by L.Yu. Ismailo- 
va. — Moscow: «Center JurInfoR», 2010. — 80 p. 

(in Russian) 

Summary. This work covers the main 
directions of evolving functional programming 
ideas and technologies. This material is approved in practice of 
NRNU MEPhI, MIPT and several other educational centers of 
the Russian Federation. 

Its 1st part represents an outlook of trends in usage 
the pure functions in programming and is suitable both for 
advanced learners and beginners in Computing and Information 

The functional programming paradigm shown its great 
importance and significantly influenced many branches of 
computing and computer science. This is an evolving roadmap 
having a perspective of growth in software engineering. It's 
happened that program correctness is much easier to be 
proved in case it is written in functional language. With 
evolution of tools for supporting the proof this process seems 
to become even easier. The functional programs can be treated 
as executable specifications which themselves are already 
prototypes, i.e. they do not need any additional efforts for 
their preparing. The transformations of functional programs 
are greatly simplified because of an algebraic origin of the 
functions. Their usage opens the abilities for developing the 
innovative machinery of the code optimization which grows up 
the efficiency both of sequential and concurrent architectures. 53 




The amount of cases when an adoption of functional approach 
for solving the real world tasks gives the obvious advantages 
tends to growing up. 

The 2nd part gives some supply of environments 
for educational and methodical complex of corresponding 
discipline (EMCD). 

Material is intended for the instructor, postgraduate and 
graduate students of IT-specialties. 

♦ ♦ ♦ 

Wolfengagen V. E. The constructions of 
programming languages. The techniques of 
description. — Moscow: «Center JurInfoR» Ltd., 
2001. - 276 p. (in Russian) 

Summary. This book covers the basics of 
development, implementation and application of 
constructions both of imperative and functional programming 
languages. An essential attention is paid to application of 
denotation semantics which allows in a complete degree 
extracting the advantages of an object-oriented approach and 
this, in turn, as a final score allows developing the target 
computational model of purely functional kind. 

The material is supplemented by the examples with detailed 
explanations which are carefully commented assisting to study 
the implementation of constructions from various languages. 

This material can be used as a textbook or a guide. It 
will be useful both for students and postgraduates, and for 
professionals in computer science, information technologies 
and programming. 

RFBR's project 01-01-14068-fl. 

♦ ♦ ♦ 




Wolfengagen V. E. Categorical Abstract 
Machine. Conspectus: Introduction to Com- 
putations. — 2nd ed. — Moscow: «Center 
JurInfoR», 2002. — 96 p. (in Russian) 

Summary. This book contains the basics for 
computation models in Computer Science. The 
core topics both of lambda-calculus and combinatory calculi 
are covered. 

The main goals are to provide formal tools to assess 
meaning of programming constructs in both a language- 
independent and a machine independent way including 
the code compiling and generation, its optimization and 
runtime considerations. This is done using the categorical 
abstract machine - relatively new direction in studying and 
understanding the programs and computations. The material is 
equipped with serial examples of growing up complexity. 

This book is recommended to the undergraduate and 
postgraduate students in Computer Science, Programming 
Languages, Information Technologies, and Discrete Mathema- 

♦ ♦ ♦ 


b nporPAMMnpoBAHUH 

Wolfengagen V. E. Combinatory logic in 
programming. Computations with objects 
through examples and exercises. — 2-nd ed. — 
Moscow: «Center JurInfoR», 2003. - VI+336 p. 
(in Russian) 

Summary. The book is intended for 
computer science students, programmers and professionals 
who have already got acquainted with the basic courses and 55 

background on discrete mathematics. It may be used as a 
textbook for graduate course on theoretical computer science. 

The book introduces a reader to the conceptual framework 
for thinking about computations with the objects. The several 
areas of theoretical computer science are covered, including 
the following: type free and typed A-calculus and combinatory 
logic with applications, evaluation of expressions, computations 
in a category. The topics, covered in the book accumulated 
much experience in teaching these subjects in graduate 
computer science courses. 

A rich set of examples and exercises, including solutions, 
has been prepared to stimulate the self studying and to make 
easier the job of instructor. 

♦ ♦ ♦ 

,!„,.,. Wolfengagen V. E. Combinatory logic in 

programming. Computations with objects 
through examples and exercises. — 2-nd ed. — 
Moscow: «Center JurInfoR», 2003. - X+336 p. 
(in English) 

Summary. The book is intended for 
computer science students, programmers and professionals 
who have already got acquainted with the basic courses and 
background on discrete mathematics. It may be used as a 
textbook for graduate course on theoretical computer science. 

The book introduces a reader to the conceptual framework 
for thinking about computations with the objects. The several 
areas of theoretical computer science are covered, including 
the following: type free and typed A-calculus and combinatory 
logic with applications, evaluation of expressions, computations 
in a category. The topics, covered in the book accumulated 




much experience in teaching these subjects in graduate 
computer science courses. 

A rich set of examples and exercises, including solutions, 
has been prepared to stimulate the self studying and to make 
easier the job of instructor. 

♦ ♦ ♦ 

Wolfengagen V. E. Combinatory logic in 
programming. Computations with objects 
through examples and exercises. — 3-rd ed., 
revised. — Moscow: «Center JurInfoR», 2008. — 
X+384 p. (in Russian) 





Summary. The book is intended for 
computer science students, programmers and professionals 
who have already got acquainted with the basic courses and 
background on discrete mathematics. It may be used as a 
textbook for graduate course on theoretical computer science. 

The book introduces a reader to the conceptual framework 
for thinking about computations with the objects. The several 
areas of theoretical computer science are covered, including 
the following: type free and typed A-calculus and combinatory 
logic with applications, evaluation of expressions, computations 
in a category. The topics, covered in the book accumulated 
much experience in teaching these subjects in graduate 
computer science courses. 

A rich set of examples and exercises, including solutions, 
has been prepared to stimulate the self studying and to make 
easier the job of instructor. 

♦ ♦ ♦ 57 

Wolfengagen V. E. Methods and Means 
for Computations with Objects. Applicative 
Computational Systems. — Moscow: JurlnfoR 
Ltd., «Center JurlnfoR», 2004. - XVI+789 p. 
(in Russian) 

Summary. Those models, methods and 
means are covered that are based on the notation of object. An 
approach based on the operations of application and functional 
abstraction is used resulting in the closed consideration of 
applicative computations within the elementary framework. The 
material covered in this book was used for delivering the 
various versions of courses in computer science. 

The essential theoretical background corresponds to the 
high international level, and the basic computational ideas, 
notions and definitions are explicated. 

The book is intended for computer science students and 
professionals in informatics. It may be used as a sourcebook 
for graduate course on theoretical computer science. 

RFBR's project 03-01-14055-/1. 

♦ ♦ ♦ 

.*__ Wolfengagen V. E. Logic. Conspectus of 

JIOrHKA ^ e l ectures i n formal reasoning. — 2nd 
ed., completed and improved. — M.: «Center 
JurInfoR» Ltd., 2004. - 229 p. (in Russian) 

Summary. This edition is significantly 
^^■>r;^^B improved and completed by the elements of 
semantic reasoning using the classes and relations which are 
especially important for working out the electronic forms of 
information. The ways of reformulating the text of factual kind 


into symbolic language allowing the application of classic logic 
means are considered. The techniques and ways of writing the 
formal reasons and their validation procedure are shown. The 
technique of formal logical reasonings, derivations and proofs 
is illustrated by a lot of examples. The ways of including 
the annotations (comments) into derivation are indicated which 
allows checking the truth or false of reasons. 

This book is primary intended for the students and 
postgraduates of humanitarian specialties. It can be used for 
the initial studying of the subject and for self studying as well. 

♦ ♦ ♦ 

,.,„.._ Kosikov S.V. Information Systems: Catego- 

m SS m ry Theory Approach. - Moscow: JurlnfoR-Press 
Ltd., 2006. - 96 p. (in Russian) 

Summary. The book gives an account to 
the basic ideas related to the designing of 
information systems by using methods of the 
category theory. A detailed account is given of theoretico- 
categorical constructions that are used for building theoretical 
models and practical realization of information systems. 

Considerable attention is given to how abstract machines 
are built as a basis for realizing information systems by means 
of category computational models. 

The book can be used as reference material for students, 
post-graduate students, experts in the field of designing 
informational systems as well as for the application of 
mathematical methods in the new information technology. 

♦ ♦ ♦ 59 



The applicative computational systems. 
Proceedings of the conference on applicative 
computational systems (ACS'2008), Moscow: 
April 29-30, 2008. /Dr. L.Yu. Ismailova (ed.). - 
M.: NEI Institute of Contemporary Education 
«JurInfoR-MGU», 2008. - 48 p. (in Russian) 

Summary. Applicative computational systems, or ACSs 
contain the calculi of objects based on Combinatory Logic 
and lambda-calculus. The only thing which is essentially 
developing in these systems is the representation of an object. 
The combinatory logic contains the only metaoperator — 
the application, or, in other terms, the action of one 
object to another. The lambda-calculus contains a pair of 
metaoperators — the application and functional abstraction 
which allow binding of one variable within one object. 

The objects which are generated in these systems are the 
fundamental entities having the following properties: (1) the 
number of argument places, or arity of an object is not fixed 
from the beginning, but evolves step by step, in interaction with 
other objects; (2) in developing the comprehended object one of 
the initial objects — the function — is applied to other object — 
its argument, but in other contexts they can change their roles, 
i.e. both the functions and arguments are the objects on equal 
rights; (3) a self application of the functions is allowed, i.e. an 
object can be applied to itself. ACSs give the grounds for the 
applicative approach to programming. 

Applicative computing enables the combined development 
of a computation as a relatively self contained block using the 
existing blocks of computations, but all the variables in any 
block of computation are bound and the block itself is closed. 
The ACSs are used for enabling the applicative computing. 

RFBR's project 08-07-06039-r. 



Part 1. Quarks, atoms, molecules of computing 3 

Introduction 3 

1 . Invariants of computing 6 

2. New paradigms of computing 11 

3. Revision of computing foundations 13 

4. Notion of a constant 14 

5. Functions 17 

6. Interaction of an object and environment 17 

7. The principles of computing 22 

8. Interaction of objects 26 

9. System of primary objects 27 

10. System of derived objects 30 

1 1 . Derivation of combinators 37 

12. Reduction and expansion of objects 40 

13. Synthesis of object with the given combinatory characteristic 41 

14. Infinite constructions 42 

15. The plurality of the worlds of combinators 43 

Acknowledgements 47 

Conclusions 47 

References 47 

Index 50 

Part 2. Educational and methodical complex of corresponding discipline 

and ready-made solutions 51 61 

Viacheslav Wolfengagen 

Applicative computing 

Its quarks, atoms and molecules 

Technical editor A. E. Zaitsev 

The production conforms the conditions of the 

Public Health Department of the Russian Federation. 

Sanitary- epidemiologic Certificate 

N«- 77. 99.02. 953. D. 007462.11.05 issued by November 11, 2005 

Signed to publishing 10.02.2010. Offset print. Offset paper. 
Format 60x84/16. Pr. sh. 4. Copies 500. Order N« 

"Center JurlnfoR" Ltd. 
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